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Version 0.7.0 - Release Notes

General Notes

This release introduces significant enhancements including support for font styles in chatbot responses, improvements in response accuracy, a wide range of comprehensive integration of the admin panel, and various bug fixes.

Testing Accounts



Response Style Support

  • Introduced font style rendering for chatbot responses, enabling a more engaging user interaction.

Constrained Results

  • Enhanced the chatbot's ability to provide more focused and relevant information from the Coast Capital knowledge base, ensuring higher accuracy and relevance in responses.

Admin Panel

Security Improvements

  • Enhanced security measures for the admin panel, including more robust authentication and data protection mechanisms.
  • All API routes are protected under the user's AWS Cognito authentication.

Source Category Options

  • Added functionality for viewing created custom categories for better organization and accessibility of sources when modifying or creating a new source.
  • Introduced filtering options for custom categories, allowing for more efficient navigation and source management.

Dynamic Source Page

  • Revamped the source page layout to differentiate between active and archived sources, enhancing user experience.
  • Archived sources are now clearly marked and restricted from editing, emphasizing their read-only status.

Style Changes

  • Implemented several design updates across the navigation bar, sidebar, and footer for a more cohesive and user-friendly interface.
  • Adjusted card designs in the main content area to optimize space utilization and improve the display of information within tables.

Error Page Improvements

  • Improved the error page design for better clarity and user guidance.
  • Added a feature to download error logs directly from the error page, facilitating easier troubleshooting and support for crashes that include API-related issues from the back-end.

Chat Sessions Page Improvements

  • Improved the usability of the Chat Sessions page by turning the list of sources used by the chatbot into a list of links that open up a detailed view of that source