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Version 0.3.0 - Release Notes

General Notes:

  • There are two logins for the admin panel.
    • Username: admin | Password: Password@1
    • Username: TestAdmin | Password: Testing@2
    • Other accounts coming soon
  • Add dataset functionality is almost complete and will be in the next version.

Revamped Admin Panel UI:

We have greatly improved the style of our Admin Panel UI to make it more user-friendly. The new and improved design is focused on the feedback we received from the mid-term progress report and is centered around our (Sponsor and Us) vision of a CoastCompanion admin's workflow.

Log-in Page

The Log-in page has been reformed to be consistent with Coast Capital's UI layout design. To avoid confusion with Coast Online Banking, an online banking service offered by Coast Captial Savings, we have added the text "Looking for Coast Companion Online Banking?".

The page also features a login form that is a Two-step Login Process. It is required that the user first puts in their username, then put in their password.

Summary Page

The Summary page has been restructured to show key statistics at the top, and 'flowing' to the bottom to show detailed analytics-ready information at the bottom. The admin user is able to quickly view the statistics of yesterday, allowing them to quickly review the status of the Chatbot. Below the summary, there is a reports section which allows users to view and export KPIs such as (1) Session Count, (2) Average Response Time, and (3) Average Rating, aggregated over a user-selected interval. Finally, the page supports visualization for these KPIs, directly below the reports section for an intuitive user-friendly layout.

Knowledge Base Portal

The Knowledge Base page is now a central place for CoastCompanion administrators to unleash powerful actions to configure and manage the CoastCompanion chatbot. The user is able to view active and archived sources, add sources, and view a source in detail. To include sufficient amount of control features for the admin user, we have opted for additional pages instead of a modal.

We have also added the feature of adding Categories to sources. The user can add, remove, assign, unassign a category from a KB source. This makes it easier for CoastCompanion admins to manage a large quantity of sources.

Additional functionalities include (1) Record keeping or Audit Support, and (2) Usage Reports. These are in the Knowledge Base Source Detail pages.

Chatbot Improvements:

Building upon the UI foundations laid in the previous release, we've introduced several enhancements to improve user experience and functionality. We've added citations to provide more information to the users and message timestamps for better context. We have also added the ability to resize the chatbot window for improved readability. We are also introducing ability to give feedback on chatbot responses that can help improve the chatbot.


The chatbot feedback feature is now fully functional. Users can rate responses by pressing the thumbs up or thumbs down button at the top right corner of every message. Additionally, users that are not satisfied with a given response will be presented with the option to leave a comment.


Data reference links are now available under every response by clicking on the three dots below a chatbot text bubble. This provides users with the opportunity to dive deeper into a certain topic or learn more about where this information was gathered from. The sources can be accessed by clicking the 3 dots under each chatbot response. The citation links are set up using Amazon CloudFront allowing for fast access to the sources needed.

User Experience

This release comes with many user experience improvements.

  • The chatbot can be expanded and shrunk by pressing the resize button on the top left corner. This tailors the experience to best serve the needs and preferences of the user.
  • There is now a timestamp under each message for transparency and record keeping.
  • The chatbot no longer responds with blank messages.
  • Word wrap has been implemented for the message box, making the messages typed by users more readable.
  • There is now a popup message prompting the user to ask a question to the chatbot. As well, there is an initial message introducing the chatbot.

Known Issues:

The following are known issues we have discovered but have not fixed in this current version:


  • Chatbot is overtuned to only respond to questions about onboarding. May not respond to greetings like "hello" when it should be expected to.
  • Response times for the chatbot are still being improved.
  • Chatbot settings are not implemented. There is a placeholder white box.

Admin Panel

  • Broken or empty links in the login page
  • "Continue With Admin Login" possible with empty username in login page
  • "User Ratings" page is not configured
  • "Chat Sessions" page is not configured
  • API hookup is not fully complete