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We're not just dreaming of developing a compliance-oriented, secure, and scalable chatbot, we built one.

One Team. One Dream. One Chatbot.

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About the

Team Backbenchers

We don't just dream about developing a compliance-oriented, secure, scalable chatbot, we built one.

Through Coast Companion, we deliver compliance-oriented, secure, and scalable real solutions to financial challenges, ensuring every interaction is personalized and protected. It's about empowering members to make informed decisions for a better life, backed by a chatbot designed with their security and evolving needs in mind.


Coast Capital Savings Logo

Representative: Jason Hikida

As the sponsor of this project, Coast Capital aims to leverage data, analytics, and AI/ML technologies to improve member experience and accelerate their vision to unlock financial oppertunities that positivley impact people and communities.

Course Team

Profile Image for Jerry Jim

Jerry Jim

Profile Image for Jennie Chen

Jennie Chen

Teaching Assistant
Profile Image for Mobina Vayghan

Mobina Vayghan

Teaching Assistant

Development Team

Profile Image for Devam Sisodraker

Devam Sisodraker

Project Manager
Profile Image for Abhigyan Dabla

Abhigyan Dabla

Profile Image for Jonathan Qiao

Jonathan Qiao

Profile Image for Mattias Sebanc

Mattias Sebanc

Admin Panel
Profile Image for Peter Newman

Peter Newman

Profile Image for Vihara Jayaweera

Vihara Jayaweera

Profile Image for Dabin Im

Dabin Im

Profile Image for Matthew Kang

Matthew Kang

Admin Panel
Profile Image for Melanie Kent

Melanie Kent

Profile Image for Phillips Ng

Phillips Ng
