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Making Small Changes

If you are only making small changes to invidual pages and posts in Markdown/Mdx and not React pages like the front page or the Team page, GitHub is all you need for you to contribute.

  • You must have edit access to the Demo Page GitHub Repository (unless you are forking, which is inconvenient for small changes).
  • In one of the posts/pages currently deployed GitHub Pages you want to edit, click on 'Edit This Page' button at the bottom of each page/post and edit the md/mdx file.
    • The link will bring you do the GitHub Repository on the main branch, where you can directly edit the files.
    • Make your edit, leave a commit message, and commit.
    • You can "preview" markdown using GitHub, but you won't be able to preview what it would actually look like on the Demo website with Styles.
    • Editing on GitHub will not deploy changes to GitHub Pages. The deployment is done by Devam after reviewing changes.